Mrs. Andruch’s Hot Reads

Lately, I have been listening to the other side of my brain. My math-minded brain is getting a much workout lately because I have had the pleasure of learning more about how Literacy is taught in our district and have started to enjoy the process. I also have been privileged enough to partake in a book study at my school, with teachers and the Literacy Coach, based on the book Igniting a Passion for Reading by Steven Layne. I also have had the oppourtunity to attend a workshop where Steven Layne was the presenter. These opportunities have ignighted a passion in me that I knew was there but never really had the chance to exercise.

When I was a kid, I loved to read. There was not a time when you would find me without a book in my hand. I remember many vacations where I would sit in the car and read or where I would be lying on the pontoon boat in  Michigan reading a book. However, as the years passed on, I just stopped reading for pure enjoyment. I guess I just did not have the time. It wasn’t until many years after I graduated college that I picked up a book for enjoyment. I really started reading again so that I could participate in a book club with friends from work (I use book club loosely because really it was a reason to get out of the house and have a few drinks with friends. But I really did read the books we chose!)

After starting the book study at school, I have found time to read for enjoyment. I also have found that I truly enjoy young adult fiction, especially the ones that my junior high students read. Additionally, I decided after the last session of my book study that I was going to try and start to ignite a passion in my students. Among the many ideas suggested in the book, I have decided to create a small space just outside my office to showcase a book that I am currently reading (one that can be read by students, of course). 

This area is called Mrs. Andruch’s Hot Reads and will be an ever changing display. I also will have a sign-up sheet for students that want to borrow the book when I am finished. Students have stopped by my display yesterday and today and made a few comments about the book I have chosen. There are even a few kids that are ready to borrow the book immediately after I am done reading. Here’s to hoping this display ignites a passion in a few of the lives of my students.

I just hope the math-minded side of my brain is not getting to jealous! Maybe I will go practice a problem or two – better yet, I will go read a few chapters, instead!

7 thoughts on “Mrs. Andruch’s Hot Reads

  1. Love this idea! I keep my Shelfari bookshelf on my teacher blog, but not many students visit that site.

    I also enjoy YA fiction. My most recent read was The False Prince. It had me staying up past my bedtime so that I could read more of the story!

  2. Jen Cherry says:

    Cute idea! We have signs outside of our door with what we are currently reading and my students are always interested in picking up the book after the fact!

  3. I saw this in the hallway today and my literacy loving heart was so happy!!! This is such a great idea…and feel free to scour my library when you need a new book to read…I’m positive my students would be happy to make some recommendations for you, too!

  4. This is fantastic! One of the best parts of you is your constant drive to connect with others. I know your logical side too, as I find myself dwelling there often. I know students look up to you, so thank you for your positive influence on them and us!

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