
First thing this morning, a co-worker said, “You are always smiling when you are in the hallway!” 

After she said that, I started to notice that while I am in the hallway, I often smile and say hello to others, staff members and students alike. I don’t do this to fake that I am happy though; I truly am happy! 

I enjoy working with my co-workers, especially the administrative team. The conversations, centered around work and/or life outside work, are the best parts of my day. The impromptu conversations that happen in the hallway are always exciting.

I get a kick out of students saying hello to me in the hallway. They are so happy to see me and just want to say hello. I really believe that they want just a second of my time and for me to notice them. Saying hello and giving a warm smile could really brighten their day, and mine too.

I appreciate the hugs given to me by many students walking down the hallway. The little ones just want to show that they care about me. These signs of love would make anyone smile.

Smiling can make someone’s day without one even knowing it. Maybe it helps a co-worker having a tough day, a student that just wants to be reassured, or a parent that is a little nervous about an upcoming meeting. I will keep smiling in the hallway – maybe it will be able to brightent someone’s day! 

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