What’s the Rush?

Mornings are chaotic in the Andruch household.

Wake up. Shower. Coffee – a must. Dry & straighten hair. Brush teeth. Attempt to wake girls up. Minimal make-up. Get dressed. Attempt #2 at waking up girls. Clothes laid out for girls. Final wake-up call. Girls get dressed. Brush hair – see post on Girl Hair. Attempt to have girls eat breakfast. Quick brush of teeth. Shoes & coats on. Run out the door. Go back and make sure I unplugged the straightener (I already check 3 times). Start car & off to drop girls off at school.

This morning I thought, “What’s the rush?” This morning I took my time. No yelling, no fighting – just enjoying the time I have with my girls. Let them eat breakfast and watch a cartoon. Talk with them, as I brush their tangled hair, about the day ahead & grandma picking them up after school. Give the extra hug to Mollie that she needs to get through her day & say “I love you” to Ashleigh before we leave the house so I don’t embarrass her in front of her friends. Walk to the car and smell the fresh air of spring. Check for Hoppy (our little bunny friend that visits every year and leaves little bunny babies) – no sign of him, he must be busy getting food. Hop in the car and drive the speed limit to school so that we can sing the entire song “Shake It Off” before the daily grind begins.

Mornings are chaotic in the Andruch household, BUT not today. Today daddy was gone and we did not have to rush!

5 thoughts on “What’s the Rush?

  1. I can totally empathize with your morning rush! I love the repetition you used to describe the routine. I have two boys and one is not able to participate in society in the morning. I have a specific, super loving routine of getting him out of bed. I try not to make them anxious with the rushing. 🙂

  2. strasskt says:

    This was a fun read! I smiled thinking of my morning routines as a kid and rushing to get ready 🙂 Nowadays, I do everything I can to avoid rushing! It’s great that you took your time and drank in the moments this morning.

  3. Oh, I do not look forward to the, “Mom you’re embarrassing me!” phase. You are such a good writer Kelly – I can imagine that we’re having this conversation. Your writing sounds like you!

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